Merger Arbitrage Spread List October 21, 2018

Merger Arbitrage Spread List October 21, 2018

This is the Merger Arbitrage Spread List October 21, 2018. A FREE list of the largest cash merger arbitrage opportunities trading on major US exchanges. The FREE spreadsheet below contains the latest essential deal information and criteria as per official company announcements. This merger arbitrage spread list provides the user with an investable database of deal spread opportunities. This information can provide a solid foundation for making merger arbitrage investing part of your investment portfolio. We encourage traders and investors to perform their own due diligence before making investments. However, merger arbitrage (also known as risk arbitrage) is relatively simple to understand and execute. The most recent spread listings can be found here.

Not quite sure you’re ready for merger arbitrage yet?  
Why not read our “How to Profit from Merger Arbitrage” guide first.

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review of the week’s biggest movers highlighting the winners, losers and completions to last weeks top 20 list is also available
New Entrants into the Top 20

EGC is replaced this week as the deal closed proving the arb with a warmly received profit following its recent volatile ride. LPNT, SODA and SONC whose spreads and profit potential have already declined as the deals near completion have also dropped out of the top 20. Replacing those four deals were three that were announced this week ABCD, ECYT & HIFR. IMPV also makes the list having been announced a week earlier. None of these new entrants are seen as being particularly risky deals and that is already reflected in the low value of their respective spreads.

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